There will be a refresher class scheduled every weekday 4/8-4/17 from 1000-1200. Additionally, there will be a meeting, regarding the on-boarding process for new permanent employees on 4/10 at 08000. The link to each refresher class will be the same, but the on-boarding meeting has a unique link.
4/8: Human Factors - (1000)
4/9: Defensive Driving - (1000)
4/10: New Perm Employee On-Boarding - (0800)
4/10: Ethics & Conduct - (1000)
4/13: Helicopter Refresher - (1000)
4/14: First Aid 1 - (1000)
4/15: Line Officer Expectations - (1000)
4/16: RT130 - (1000)
4/17: First Aid 2 - (1000)
**Link for all refresher classes:
Meeting ID: 419 640 095
Call In: +1 301 715 8592
**Link for on-boarding meeting:
Meeting ID: 594 655 771
Call In: +1 301 715 8592