Monday, November 16, 2009

Announcement #'s, Physicals, Projects, and Such...

New Announcement #'s are being re-issued for GS 5 to GS 9 positions. If you are interested in applying, you must go into Avue and update the announcement # for the position you are interested. Click here for new announcement #'s.

Here are the refresher dates again:
Overhead refresher March 29- April 2
Early refresher April 5-16
Late refresher May 25 - June 4

The yearly Jumper News Letter is here, please plan for the refresher you wish to attend. Also Timo is compiling data for R-8 details and other winter work. Please stay tuned for the posting of this information and what work remains available.

Monday, November 2, 2009


To access Paycheck 8 and GovTrip while away go to:
When entering time, please do the following:
  • submit
  • print
  • sign
Have your supervisor review your time prior to submitting. Once you have gotten the "ok" both you and your supervisor must sign your time sheet then you are good to submit.

If you are away on a detail do the above and have the FMO or whoever you are working for sign time and don't forget to attach any CTRs or red dogs.

Fax to smokejumper ops, bring originals back with you to file with Admin office. Thanks.

Refreshers dates to plan for:
Overhead refresher March 29- April 2
Early refresher April 5-16
Late refresher May 25 - June 4

The 2010 computer Security Awareness Training is out on AgLearn. This is mandatory training that must be completed in order to maintain computer privileges. You can reach Aglearn through the e-auth link. Print out completion certificate and give to Diane in Admin. Don't forget to make a copy for yourself, it's a keeper!