Monday, November 17, 2014


Heard about the Reimbursement for Fire Boots?
The specifics of the program are still being hammered out so hold off on  the boot purchases until you are in pay-status and the specifics have been worked out!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Fall Newsletter

The newsletter and questionnaire for Fall 2014 is out. Look for it in your email or download it here

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Shane Ewing Scholarship Applications Due on Dec 1st

The Missoula Smokejumper Welfare Fund is awarding a $1,000 scholarship to a deserving individual.  The deadline for applications is on December 1st 2014, the scholarship will be awarded on January 15th 2015.

Requirements to Apply for the Scholarship

-Must be a current or former smokejumper or have a direct family relation to a current or former smokejumper (spouse or children).

-Must be used for educational purposes.  Proof of education is required.  (College or University)

How to Apply

-Write a one page essay covering the two topics below.
        1.  How has the smokejumping program impacted your life.

        2.  What type of education are you pursuing and how are you going to put that education to use.

Please Email your essays to or give to MSO Welfare Fund.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

New Lockers in the Ready Room

As of today we are beginning to install 75 new lockers in the ready room. Due to the size of the project and the amount of logistics involved, we would appreciate if everyone would bag up their jump gear and ensure that your lockers are cleaned out by Friday, November 14th. Your assistance with this project will safeguard your personal items and will guarantee that they will not get lost in the shuffle. Thank you.