Monday, December 12, 2011

Rohrbach Baby!

Congratulations to Kurt and Jenni on the arrival of their baby daughter.  Rumor has it that they are still in negotiations on the name but she weighs in at 6 lbs.

Friday, December 9, 2011


The loft is looking for some people to work on a Sewing project for next week and continuing on though a lot of the winter.  It is flexible schedule mattering on experience with the machines and the commitment is not for the whole time.  Give a call to the loft or stop by for more info or if interested.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


If you have any interest in going to Ethiopia to teach Prescribed fire for 3 weeks in February.  Contact Tory for more information ASAP.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Incident Management Team Application

Here is the Incident Management Team application information for 2012.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Another Baby is Born!!
Congratulations to Matt & Kattie Mahe on the birth of daughter Clara.
Born November 28 at 7 lbs 10 oz.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas Party

Christmas Party (Please note time change due to Griz Game) December 9th @ 500pm Holiday Inn. Brooks and Brown Bar, food and drink provided.
Come share in the holiday spirit, visit with old friends, watch the game and meet a new baby or two or three……..
Questions call Kurt.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Life Changing Events and Life Insurance

Take a look at your life insurance

For all of you that are having life changing events like babies or adding significant others this allows you to change your life insurance. There are very few times you can change your life insurance. Open seasons are very limited last two where in 1999 and 2004. If you have questions on what your current coverage is you can find it on the employee personal page under life insurance. Here is the link to the FEGLI booklet that lets you know your options
You only have 60 days to make these changes after a qualifying life event. If you have any questions give me a call. Charles Savoia

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Congratulations Jackson's

Chris and Colby Jackson have announced the arrival of a new baby girl. Nora Jackson was born Nov.13th to the proud parents.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Smokejumper (T) Christmas Party

Friday December 9th. Location TBD. Keep in touch!

AFD Christmas Lunch Party

Join us for a Holiday lunch Dec 14th 1030-1330. Food is provided for $7. Located in the Pintler Room.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New job posting Numbers

Here are the new job announcement numbers for the 5's and 6's




Congrats to Darby and Agnes on their new Baby Girl

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Season of Babys

Congralations to Jake and Jessie on their new little girl Rose,

Keith and Cindie on their new baby boy

Court and Sara and their new little girl

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Congratulations Buddy

Congratulations to Clem Pope for recieving a GS-6 appointment in Missoula. Way to go big guy!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


On the road and need paper work? See documentation link to the right.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tentative Schedule Change July 3rd

Split work week tentatively scheduled to start July 3rd. If you are a GS 5, 6, or 7, please let ops know your preferred days off and we will put you down. Thanks.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Detail Opportunity

Madison District is looking for a person to detail to their engine for 2-3 week stints this summer. Housing and Field rate per diem provided. Minimum ICT5 qual wanted. If interested contact Operations.

Aubrie Kate Phillips born April 26th to Billy and Brenda Phillips. Congratulations on welcoming your newest family member!!!

Fritsen is named Base Manager!

Missoula has a new Base Manager! Mike Fritsen accepted the job on May 2nd. Congratulations to Mike and let's have a great season!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Jeff Bardwell - Smokejumper Pilot

Jeff Bardwell, Region 1 DC-3 Captain, passed away at home on April 20, 2011 after battling esophageal cancer.

Services will be held at Saint Ann's Catholic Church in Bonner, MT (next to Bonner Elementary School) Monday April 25. Viewing will be held at 10:00 A.M. and services at 11:00 A.M. Raise a glass of beer and a brat. We will miss you Jeff.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

We are looking for a Smokejumper who may be interested in accompanying a firefighter cadet program to Mann Gulch on June 9 or 10. They will provide food and transportation from Missoula for the one day trip. We can provide wages for an 8 hour day. Contact Dan Cottrell if you have questions or are interested in going."

We are also looking for an individual to assist with cleaning the Don Mackey memorial site in Blodgett Canyon near Hamilton on Sunday, May 29. Contact Dan for details on this opportunity as well.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Sam Pfahler & Court Wallace have been promoted to GS-7 smokejumper positions and Dave Bihr has been promoted to a GS-8 smokejumper position. CONGRATULATIONS!!

Gov. Trip Travel Card Training. Due: 3/31/11
1. Log onto AgLearn
2. Click on catalog
3. Click on "simple catalog search".
4. Enter the keyword: USDA Travel/ Card Training.
5. Complete training

Security Awareness Training. Due 3/31/11: Go to AgLearn and find your required training.

Remove the wet blanket provided by the training requirements and say congrats to Court, Sam, and Dave.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Voluntary Leave Transfer Program

As most of you know, one of our Smokejumper pilots was diagnosed with esophagial cancer in late December. Currently he is receiving chemo and radiation treatments and may need surgury. He has exhusted all of his leave. If you would like to donate any leave please call Operations for more information.

Hiring: GS-7 and GS-7/8

A committee was formed to review applications and make recommendations for the GS-7 and GS-7/8 Smkj positions. The plan is to fill a minimum of one 7 and one 7/8 spotter position.

This committee was made up of 3 Foreman, 2 Assistant Foreman, 1 GS-6, 1 rep from Aviation and 1 AFMO. Their recommendations were turned into the Acting Base Mgr and Assistant Base Mgr for review and then sent on to HR at the ABQ Service Center.

ABQ will process and make job offers.

In the event there is more movement we plan to outreach these positions again as soon as possible so keep your application updated and certified.

A committee is currently working on GS-6 smkj positions. Standby.

Monday, February 14, 2011

New Baby Girl!

Derek & Beth Harbour are happy to welcome a baby girl!

Sopie Kimber Harbour was born on February 14th.
7 lbs 15 oz. 20 1/4 inches

Spring Newsletter

Follow the link to read all about the Spring happenings at the Base.

This will also be a link listed on the right. Please reference at will.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Get your physicals!

You cannot do the units or PT Test at refresher until it is complete, so don't wait!

Follow these steps.
1. Call Margarita at 406-329-4944 to tell her where you are planning to get your physical. (You can get up to $105 towards one at the physician of your choice or call Occupational Health 406-329-5746.)
2. Get the required paperwork from Margarita.
3. Get your physical. Ensure that it is properly signed.
4. Return Paperwork to Margarita.

Kettlehouse Gathering Feb. 16

Join all your friends and coworkers at the Kettlehouse North for the 2nd Annual Missoula Smokejumper Welfare Fund Community Unite Fundraising Night. It will be held February 16th from 5pm to 8pm.

Spread the word and we look forward to seeing you there!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Got Stuff?

Please visit Northern Rockies Montessori for information about summer programs. Please look under "How Can I Help" link, then to the list to learn more about donation items. The next meeting with the director will take place February 2 from 12-1 in the business office conference room. Be there if you have interest in learning more about the program. The link will also be located on the right hand side of the screen under "other links".

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Baby!

Dave and Megan Williams had a 6.8 lbs. baby girl January 25th! Welcome Emma Sophia Williams!


We will be hosting a CPR/AED as well as Bloodborne Pathogens training on Tuesday, February 1st, 2011 from 0800-1700: This training will be instructed by Mark Wright and will be held in the hangar training room. There will be room for two sessions, each one being about 4 hours long. Time slots will be 0800-1200 and 1230-1630. There is a sign up sheet in Clare's office. Mary Jo will be a contact if anyone has questions. Each session can include 10 students, maximum. If there is enough responses, and more people than slots, we have flexibility to host another session, later. Thanks, Godot

Friday, January 21, 2011

New Man Ram Air Selections (NMRA)

1. Steve Reed / foreman alternate- Timo Rova
2. Enrique Olivares
3. Travis Parker
4. Darby Thomson
5. Colby Jackson
6. J.T. Gilman

1. Ashton Ferruzzi
2. Brice Jones
3. Brandon Sheehan
4. Drew Pattison

NMRA Training April 18-May 13.

Please contact Jake Besmer, lead trainer or Tory Kendrick, R1 Ram Air Coordinator with any questions.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Come One Call All

The 2011 list has been drawn. You can find it under the links on the right for your viewing. Also see documents for the road, if you find yourself on the road and out of paper work.

Come join us in sending Rogers Warren off to Region 3.

Kettle House North - Monday January 24 @ 5 PM

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

CPR instructors needed!

For anyone interested in becoming a CPR instructor, there will be an opportunity this spring (late April or May) to take the training here in Missoula at St. Patrick’s hospital. Currently, we are relying heavily on our current instructors (which stand at 2) and to keep these individuals from reaching burnout completely, we are in need of some new individuals to aid in reducing their workload. Plus, it has been beneficial to our program to have instructors “in-house” allowing us to provide CPR at our refreshers, NSA trail crew refreshers and other programs without having to seek out or pay for others come in to do this. You do not have to be a current EMT or have any prior medical experience. Plus, the training and knowledge has become easier to relay on lately due to less complex procedures on what’s required to give proper CPR. If you have any interest or desire to do this, please contact Dave Bihr or Boyd Burtch.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Moving On - Rogers Warren

Rogers Warren has accepted a position in Region 3 as Aviation Specialist. Report date to his new job in Albuquerque, known to some as Albucreepy, is February 1.

Rogers' will be greatly missed at the jump base, especially in Smokejumper Operations. His calm, fair and level headed approach to matters has been an asset to the base and the organization as a whole. On the other hand his sharp wit, scathing remarks, and devils advocate approach will not be missed! Just kidding as these are only a few of the things that make him so enjoyable to work with!

Would you like red or green?


Pilot Jeff Bardwell

Jeff Bardwell was diagnosed with esophageal cancer and is currently at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester,MN.

Jeff's doctors will be taking a biopsy of his lymph nodes; if necessary, the doctors will commence with 6 weeks of focused radiation and chemo therapy on the associated lymph nodes; if the tumor on his esophagus is malignant, then the doctors will execute invasive surgery.

Please keep Jeff in your thoughts and prayers.


JOBS: GS 6, 7 & 8 Positions

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Albuquerque Service Center denied our request to pull a referral list for the GS 6, 7, and 8 positions. The reason being….

In accordance with the newly ratified NFFE Master Agreement (Article 16,2.c.) all Union Forest’s are required to post their outreach on Lotus Notes Outreach Database a minimum of 21 days for permanent recruit and fill positions.

We realize this is bit ridicules as most of you do not even have access to the Lotus Notes Data Base, but our hands are tied.

Therefore the positions are currently posted on the Outreach Database. A request for a referral list will be submitted on February 1.

Please be sure your application is still, or will still be current as of Feb 1. If in doubt you may want to re-certify your application in AVUE.

Thanks, sorry and good luck!!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Mandatory Physicals

Follow these steps.
1. Call Margarita at 406-329-4944 to tell her where you are planning to get your physical. (You can get up to $105 towards one at the physician of your choice or call Occupational Health 406-329-5746.)
2. Get the required paperwork from Margarita.
3. Get your physical. Ensure that it is properly signed.
4. Return Paperwork to Margarita.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Baby!

Mr and Mrs Alex Williams welcomed a new addition to the family on January 6th.
Madaline Williams weighed in at 9 lbs 12 oz and a length of 21 1/4 inches.