Monday, November 23, 2020

2020 Federal Benefits Open Season Information

HRM: Federal Benefits Open Season is November 9 - December 14, 2020

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Open Season occurs once a year. During Open Season, November 9 - December 14, you may enroll, change, or cancel your Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) coverage. The following programs will be participating:

  • Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB)
  • Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP)
  • Federal Flexible Spending Account Program (FSAFEDS)

The table below describes the health benefit and helpful information.


How to start, stop, or change your enrollment & available resources



Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program:

To stop or change your enrollment (choose only one method): Online through your Employee Personal Page (EPP) or submit a SF 2809 to Benefits. To start enrollment, please submit a SF 2809 to Benefits. For instructions, visit the HRM Benefits website (Section F) or contact the HRM Contact Center at 1-877-372-7248.

For more information, go to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Plan Information and Premium websites.

To compare plans, use the OPM Comparison Tool.


Federal Employees’ Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP):

To start, stop, or change your enrollment, use the BENEFEDS website or call 1-877-888-3337.

For more information, go to the OPM Plan Information and Premium websites.

To compare plans, use the OPM Comparison Tool or the BENEFEDS Comparison Tool.

FSA Feds Logo

Flexible Spending Account (FSA):

Enroll or continue on the FSAFEDS website or call 1-877-372-3337.

HRM Benefits & Retirement specialists are hosting four webinar sessions to provide an overview of what to do during Open Season. Details for these sessions will be shared in the near future.

Important facts

  • FEHB and FEDVIP premiums change every year. Employees should be aware of this, and check the premiums of their plans every open season, to ensure they are enrolling in the plans that best suit their needs.
  • If you are already enrolled in FEHB or FEDVIP plans, your enrollment will automatically continue. However, if you wish to either change or cancel your plan(s), then you must do so during Open Season.
  • Eligible employees who want a FSAFEDS account in 2021 must enroll in FSAFEDS during Open Season. Current participants must re-enroll each year if they want to continue participation. Enrollments do not carry forward from year to year.
  • Employees who are canceling their FEHB enrollment, the cancellation may affect your ability to meet the five year requirement for continuing FEHB into retirement.

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