Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Comp Time Information


Comp Time flexibilities


-Provide More flexibility for employees.  When comp time is used instead of LWOP, TSP matching, and other government benefits are paid.

- Comp time earned may be approved in lieu of overtime pay for both Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) exempt and nonexempt employees. 

-With the new budget structure Comp accrual is an option in lieu of overtime to WFSE97 (0197).  Anytime an Overtime Authorization is signed and approved with your name on it for WFSE97 (0197) you can decide on either comp or overtime or a mixture of both.

Some examples:

·         Region 8 Fuels Models

·         Region 1 RX work with the Forest Service (Does not include BLM RX)

·         Rookie Training

·         Rigging for Refresher Training and Rookie Training

·         Other Base Duties where you’re working outside of base hours


-Trans Code for Comp Time Earned is 32, Trans Code for Comp Leave is 64


- Comp time expires if the employee does not use their compensatory time within 26 pay periods from the pay period it was earned. Employees must use compensatory time off before they are granted approval to use annual leave unless it would cause the employee to forfeit annual leave at the end of the leave year (use or lose). Employees are entitled to payment of expired comp time at the overtime rate.

- Comp and leave should be utilized within the individual’s tour: 13/13 = 16 pay periods, 18/8 = 21 pay periods, and PFT 26 pay periods

-Must have supervisor fill out Comp Authorization Form before accruing Comp Time

- You may use Compensatory Time in lieu of Sick Leave if you choose

- Do not charge Compensatory Time to any other code than WFSE97 (0197)