Friday, October 15, 2010


Anyone who is in the process of becoming a Burn Boss.
Anyone who has already become a Burn Boss and needs a refresher.
Anyone who is scheduled to take S-490.
Anyone who is planning on getting a fire management position outside of jumping. This FREE webinar for BEHAVE Plus is highly recommended. Anyone who is slated to take Rx classes or S-490 this winter and spring it is required for your own good to prevent you from looking like a fool and falling behind in the class.

Get more information here and register by clicking here, Let Keith or I know what you need to get ready.

Mitch Kearns
Missoula Smokejumpers
Smokejumper Training Manager
office (406) 329-4894
cell (406) 529-2584

The Northern Rockies Childcare is working on being operational this spring, 2011. We are looking for a director. Here is the website for anyone interested. It is not a Forest Service position but a private operation working from a forest service facility. The closing date is Nov. 5th, 2010.