Friday, February 25, 2011

Hiring: GS-7 and GS-7/8

A committee was formed to review applications and make recommendations for the GS-7 and GS-7/8 Smkj positions. The plan is to fill a minimum of one 7 and one 7/8 spotter position.

This committee was made up of 3 Foreman, 2 Assistant Foreman, 1 GS-6, 1 rep from Aviation and 1 AFMO. Their recommendations were turned into the Acting Base Mgr and Assistant Base Mgr for review and then sent on to HR at the ABQ Service Center.

ABQ will process and make job offers.

In the event there is more movement we plan to outreach these positions again as soon as possible so keep your application updated and certified.

A committee is currently working on GS-6 smkj positions. Standby.