Wednesday, October 10, 2012

2012-13 Training

Please come talk with Training about classes you want to take this winter. Nominations will be sent out ASAP.

Don’t Forget Your Upcoming Fire Courses:
16th-18th: GIS for Incident Management
                (selections - Myers)
22nd-26th: L-380 Fireline Leadership
                (selections – Starr, Atkinson)
29th-30th: BEHAVE+

5th-9th: M-410 Facilitative Instructor
14th-16th: I-300 Intermediate ICS

3rd-7th: L-381 Incident Leadership
10th-13th: S-430 Operations Section Chief
11th-12th: S-490 Prework for Advanced Fire Behavior Calculations

Once you have committed to taking a class, please don't back out. If you must change your plans and cannot attend a class, you need to give 30 days notice prior to the class start date.