For anyone interested in becoming a CPR instructor, there will be an opportunity this spring (late April or May) to take the training here in Missoula at St. Patrick’s hospital. Currently, we are relying heavily on our current instructors (which stand at 2) and to keep these individuals from reaching burnout completely, we are in need of some new individuals to aid in reducing their workload. Plus, it has been beneficial to our program to have instructors “in-house” allowing us to provide CPR at our refreshers, NSA trail crew refreshers and other programs without having to seek out or pay for others come in to do this. You do not have to be a current EMT or have any prior medical experience. Plus, the training and knowledge has become easier to relay on lately due to less complex procedures on what’s required to give proper CPR. If you have any interest or desire to do this, please contact Dave Bihr or Boyd Burtch.