JOBS: GS 6, 7 & 8 Positions
Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Albuquerque Service Center denied our request to pull a referral list for the GS 6, 7, and 8 positions. The reason being….
In accordance with the newly ratified NFFE Master Agreement (Article 16,2.c.) all Union Forest’s are required to post their outreach on Lotus Notes Outreach Database a minimum of 21 days for permanent recruit and fill positions.
We realize this is bit ridicules as most of you do not even have access to the Lotus Notes Data Base, but our hands are tied.
Therefore the positions are currently posted on the Outreach Database. A request for a referral list will be submitted on February 1.
Please be sure your application is still, or will still be current as of Feb 1. If in doubt you may want to re-certify your application in AVUE.
Thanks, sorry and good luck!!!!